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Category: Leitner G.

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pdf0 Stress induced electrolyte and blood gas changes with and without a six days oral treatment with elderberry (Sambucus Nigra L.) concentrate. HOT


Leitner G., Westmoreland D., Knapp M., Spencer K., Merback J., Kuzik V., Weger M., Pfannhauser W., Porta S.
Mag Bull. 22, 72-76, 2000c

pdf1 Stress compatibility and electrolyte dynamics of sports majors (SM) and language majors (LM) at examination time. HOT


Leitner G., Westmoreland D., Knapp M., Spencer K., Merback J., Kuzik V., Temmel W., Schubert K., Porta S.
Mag Bull. 22, 66-71, 2000b

pdf2 An experimental to correct magnesium deficiency in Austrian rural areas by magnesium rich foodstuff. HOT


Leitner G., Porta S., Westmoreland D., Knapp M., Spencer K., Merback J., Leitner T.
Mag Bull. 22, 87-91, 2000a