Porta S1,2, Moser M2, Gell H2, Kastner A2, Stossier H4, Stossier G4, Bratu MM5, Kisters K3

1 Institute of Applied Stress Research, Fernitz – Mellach, Austria
2 Theresan Military Academy, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
3 St. Anna Hospital, Herne
4 Rehabilitation Clinic Maria Wörth, Austria
5 Faculty of Pharmacy, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania, centrul romano-austriac de cercetari stiintifice in domeniul stressului

17 male officer trainees (between 20 and 24 years of age) of the Theresan Miltary Academy in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) have been subjected to a standardized 2400m run, whereby before and after the run capillary blood samples for determination of pCO2, pO2, BE, Mg and lactate have been drawn and their HF has been determined. On the next day, the candidates received 150 mg of magnesium by an effervescent tablet after blood sampling, and after one hour more and another sampling the same 2400m run as before has been performed again with a last consecutive sampling. It turned out, that all parameter averages measured out of the samples before the run did not differ significantly, just as the samples after the run did not differ between Mg treated and untreated persons.

However, Mg changes due to the run were much less uniform in Mg treated persons, linear correlations, which developed significantly between ionized Mg. pO2, pCO2, BE and lactate, as well as significant linear correlations between heart frequency and lactate, and also between Mg and running time, (our performance marker), were in fact always seen in untreated persons but never in Mg treated participants.

We deduce, that acute Mg application before sport enhances not the easier fluctuating ionized fraction, but enriches the protein- and complex bound Mg fraction within the blood, so that ionized Mg can be replenished from there and only to a lesser degree from tissues and limiting steps – characterized by linear relations between Mg and stress markers or between stress markers themselves - are abolished. By such an acute Mg application before sport limiting steps brought about by Mg shortage are set aside, easily available Mg reserves in blood enriched and the tissue Mg pool preserved, all that opening out into significant influences upon effort and performance and possibly recreation.