The term „resilience“ has been heterogenously discussed, mostly with psychological or sociological background. In an approach via simple heart rate measurements and variable performances we could show, that resilience quantity is linearly dependent upon the effort in ist broadest sense and not on performance(1).
With more sophisticated instruments of blood gas- glucose- and electrolyte determination the resilience after even slighter, mental strains e.g.mental load by a dangerous virtual ambient, could be also shown to be linearly dependent upon the effort (changes of pO2, pCO2 and glucose) of overcompensation (resilience capability?) which in its turn characterizes resilience quantity. Since we could also show in previous papers, that changes of ionized Mg are strictly dependent upon effort, both physical and mental (2,3) ionized Mg is one oft he most sensitive markers of resilient behaviour.
Extrapolating those results, we discuss the possibility – for which up to now there are only strong indications – that persons with poor Mg state also have poor resilience
3 Trace Elem Elect. 30: 105-107, 2013