Porta S1,2, Gell H2, Pichlkastner K2, Kisters K3
1 Institute of Applied Stress Research, Dillach, AustriaInvestigations of Mg turnover are substantially handicapped by the short half lives of Mg isotopes (max. 21 hrs). Therefore we extracted from some of our more recent papers a pattern of Mg behaviour from different points of view which could throw some additional light upon Mg behaviour in the organism:
Hypomagnesemic persons show significantly higher metabolic efforts to overcome imposed workload (1,2). But it turned out, that hypomagnesemia itself is mostly caused by chronic higher efforts in the past. Thus Mg levels do not correlate with blood pH but rather with pCO2 (fast respiratory compensation) and HCO3 (slower metabolic compensation) (3). This effort – Mg relationship is further modulated by Mg reserves in a polynomial manner: Very low reserves do not allow for proper Mg transfer from tissue to blood during workload any more, medium Mg reserves show higher Mg output and very well stocked reserves low output again, due to Mg – induced economization of metabolic effort (4). The same system is responsible for smaller Mg losses from tissues of well provided persons at equal efforts, because of the economized turnover. The smaller and more constant Mg input from tissues into blood lead to a linear relation between Mg delta values and both Mg basal- and endlevels after workload, because the variable Mg output according to variable effort becomes much more constant in substituted persons. Well substituted persons also show mostly lower Mg delta values, which in turn are indicative of advanced fitness (5), whereby we are back at the initial argument. An additional Mg – modulating effect is provided by (chronic) overcompensation, which increases pH by exaggerated loss of CO2 and binds more O2 (O2– trapping during hardly interrupted submaximal workload, 6) and Mg to the blood whereby Mg is easier liberated by efforts even from alkaline blood.
6. Trace Elem. Electr., Vol.32/3, 86-90, 2015