v. Ehrlich B
Internal Medicine Medical Practice, Kempten, Germany

Magnesium depletion is a syndrome with numerous anchor-symptoms in many different organs. Therefore and due to administrative classification to self-therapy each prescribed treatment of magnesium-depleted patients is in permanent conflict with decision-making-errors based on layman-recognition. The compliance is bad due to this. - Erroneous decision-making-heuristic is following Kahnemann (Nobelprice 2002) (1) systematic consequence of “WYSIATI” „what you see is all there is“ - asymmetric thinking of “system I”, framing-effects und basal-rate-errors. The discriminating GKV and PKV* classification of Magnesium (“not necessary”) is such a powerful framing-effect. In combination with the implicated allocation of competences to self-decision-making of patients (“at eye level”) frequently classical “WYSIATI” errors become leading the actions. Innocence of statistical prevalences of Magnesium-depletion (Markovits 2014)(2) leads regularly to errors of basal rate with consequence of non-treatment. Patients seek for coherent patterns with well known preinformation. “System 1” decisions (of patients and influencers) are “completely insensible for quality and quantity of information out of which impressions and intuition result” (1)

Case reports out of clinical practice illustrate how WYSIATI-heuristics counteract therapeutic prescription of medical doctor in Magnesium-depletion-patients: Framing situations concern atrial-ablation/cardiology, migraine/neurology, adipositas/internet, Diabetes/DMP, Depression/psychiatry, renal failure III/nursing service, orthopedical morbidity/imaging, aortic-aneurysm.

1) Kahnemann, Daniel. Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken, Pantheon 2014
2) Markovits N et al. J Clin Pharmacol 2014; 8: 889-95

* GKV and PKV = abbreviations for german social and private health insurance system