Kisters K1,2,4, Kisterst L2, Werner T2, Micke O2, Classen HG2, Gremmler B1,2, Gröber U2,4, Porta S2, Westhoff T3

1 Med. Klinik I, St. Anna Hospital, Herne
2 Ges. für Magnesium-Forschung, Tutzing
3 Med. Klinik I, Marien Hospital, Herne, Ruhr-Univ.-Bochum

4 Inst. für Mikronährstoffmedizin, Essen, Germany

Serum and ionized magnesium concentrations are of growing interest in internal medicine, especially in cardiovascular diseases or in patients with diabetes mellitus (1-6). 55 – 70 % of total blood serum magnesium is the ionized magnesium amount, e.g. the active form which is the vasoactive part. To assess total body magnesium content still remains difficult at all, e. g. 1 % of total  magnesium content. In this context recent papers showed statistically significant decreased ionized magnesium concentrations in patients with various cardiovascular diseases, e.g. heart insufficiency, arteriosclerosis, lipid disorders, hypertension, heart rhythm disorders and/or diabetes mellitus. Even in cancer patients under radiochemotherapy ionized magnesium content is lowered. Sports and mental stress strengthen a magnesium decrease, too, especially ionized magnesium loss. Lowered ionized magnesium concentrations have to be corrected immediately to avoid further vascular damage. 300 – 500 mg magnesium daily are the regular given oral therapy, in some cases even more up to 1000 – 2000 mg magnesium. Therapy with magnesium is safe. In addition no correlation between serum and ionized magnesium was noted (n. s.).


1. Magnesium in prevention and therapy. U. Gröber, J. Schmidt, K. Kisters. Nutrients 7: 8199-8226; 2015

2. Magnesium in health and disease. K. Kisters, U. Gröber. Plant and Soil. 368: 155-165; 2013

3. Magnesium metabolism, vitamin D and interleukines in cardiovascular disease. K. Kisters, B. Gremmler, U. Gröber, F. Tokmak. Metabolomics 6: 2 e-pub: 2016

4. Magnesium: Bedeutung für die hausärztliche Praxis. O. Micke, J. Vormann, H.G. Classen, K. Kisters. DMW 145:1628-1634; 2020

5. Ionized magnesium deficiency in elderly hypertensive patients in a pilot study. K. Kisters. U. Gröber, B. Gremmler, J. Sprenger, F. Wroblewski, A. Deutsch, L. Kisters, T. Westhoff, M. Kolisek. Nutr. Food Sci. J. 3 (2): 129-134, 2020

6. Low ionized magnesium, vitamin D and interleukin 6 concentrations in elderly hypertensive patients. K. Kisters, U. Gröber, J. Vormann, T. Werner, F. Wroblewski, A. Deutsch, L. Kisters, R. Mücke, O. Micke, A. Kraus, T. Westhoff. Trace Elem. Electrolyt 2021 in press