Spätling L

formerly Klinikum Fulda, now Deutsche Familienstiftung, Gallasiniring 8, 36043 Fulda

By accident it could be observed that preterm labour was reduced, when Magnesium was given because of
additional cramps in the calves. The supplementation of 15 mmol Mg reduced not only the cramps but also the
premature labor. This observation induced a lot of studies allover. A pilot study could show that the dosage of
betamimetica to treat preterm labor could be reduced, if oral Mg was added. Mg serum level significantly
decreases in normal pregnancy, considerably in the first trimenon, what was not caused by dilution. Mg
excretion by the kidney is significantly increased. Intracellular Mg decreases during the last trimenon. In a
prospective randomized double blind study Mg reduces maternal hospitalisation caused by haemorrhage and
preterm delivery. Fewer children had to be transferred to the intensive care unit. More Mg is resorbed, if given
tree times a day instead of one time. Mg concentration in milk could not be raised by supplementation. Mg
supplementation in pregnancy is established today although insufficiently elaborated Cochrane metaanalysis
indicate it as contraversial.