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pdf0 Magnesium: Recent data on metabolism, exploration, pathology and therapeutics Beliebt


Speich M., Bousquet B.
Mag-Bull. 13, 116-121, 1991

pdf1 Magnesium, calcium and lipoproteins in male workers with occupational exposure to lead: preliminary correlation and regression studies Beliebt


Speich M., Auget J.-L., Robinet N., Arnaud P.
Mag-Bull. 9, 185-188, 1987a

pdf2 Analysis of the relationships between magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium, cholesterol and creatine kinase concentrations according to the severity of ischemia Beliebt


Speich M., Auget J.-L., Arnaud P.
Mag-Bull. 12, 6-9, 1990

pdf3 Movements of magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium, cholesterol and creatine kinase from preinfarction syndrome to myocardial infarction causing death Beliebt


Speich M.
Mag-Bull. 11, 58-63, 1989


pdf4 Magnesium and calcium excretion during pregnancy Beliebt


Spätling G., Kunz P. A., Huch R., Huch A.
Mag-Bull. 7, 91-93, 1985

pdf5 Magnesiumstatus und Metabolismusparameter bei erwachsenen Normalprobanden Beliebt


Smetana R., Schwartz D., Sarantopoulos O., Smetana J.
Mag Bull. 16, 3-5, 1994b

pdf6 Moderate magnesium-sparing effect of high dosage ACE-inhibitor therapy in chronic heart failure Beliebt


Smetana R., Pacher R., Sarantopoulos O., Bergler-Klein J., Kratochwill C., Wutte M.
Mag Bull. 16, 98-100, 1994a

pdf7 Effect of an acute ACE-inhibition on serum magnesium in cardiac insufficiency? Beliebt


Smetana R., Pacher R., Meisinger V., Globits S., Glogar D.
Mag-Bull. 12, 115-117, 1990

pdf8 Stress and magnesium metabolism in coronary artery disease Beliebt


Smetana R., Brichta A., Glogar D., Gotsauner-Wolf M., Weindlmayr-Goettel M., Meisinger V., Spona J.
Mag-Bull. 13, 125-127, 1991

pdf9 Elektrolytverhalten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Magnesium bei Stressbelastung Beliebt


Smetana R.
Mag Bull. 16, 29-32, 1994